This page is intended for families interested in joining the waitlist! If you need to update your family information, please log into your account.

Join Waitlist

You must have a child, be pregnant or be in a formal adoption/fostering process to apply for the wait list. In the event that a family no longer qualifies to be on the wait list due to a pregnancy lost that family should notify the center of that fact as soon as possible and will receive a refund for their waitlist and corporation fee dues paid. A new waitlist spot must be then created for each pregnancy a family has.

Once you have submitted parent(s)/guardian(s) information, look for the green icon to the right to add your child's information. Providing information for up to two parents or guardians, if available, improves the ability of the SECCC to contact you with any questions or for placement opportunity.

After receipt of your assigned registration date, if your pregnancy or adoption status should change, you are eligible to retain your original registration date and waitlist position, provided that within a reasonable amount of time you inform the Director of any such change and you continue to fulfill your annual corporation membership fee obligation. Failure to inform the Director or to pay annual Corporation dues will result in removal from the waiting list.

Effective January 25, 2022, if an enrolled child's parent/guardian(s) leave employment that qualified them for the SECCC as outlined above, or a family loses qualifying employment because of the death of a parent/guardian, the child's enrollment in the SECCC will be terminated 120 days after the last date of qualifying employment.

Parent Information

All fields required except where noted
